Old Film Types
Whatever the purpose, we can usually say 'yes' to most photographic requests. Museums, family genealogists and researchers frequently use our less well known services. By taking an interest in early processes, we have kept alive the skills needed to provide services from the last century. We can print by the most appropriate means, either by hand or digitally and damaged prints and negatives can be restored - the finished item presented as either a new print or turned into digital images.
Some colour processes are now unsupported: Kodachrome - a film exclusively developed by Kodak and C-22, the pre-1970's version of modern C-41 colour negative. Film materials are organic, so they deteriorate with time: a 40 year year old film will never produce fresh results but it may be possible to see some images.
So don't despair and put those old negatives back in the loft - call us and we should be able to help! If you have a damaged or faded photograph we may be able to restore it.
Odd, old and unusual films:
- Glass plate negatives
- 126 / 127 negatives
- 620; 120; 220 negatives
- 4x5; 5x7; 61/2x81/2, 8x10 negatives
- Half plate; Whole plate
- Is that everything covered?!